NEW! There are now three different embroidery kits from Una Cosita availalbe in the Hands Gallery – just in time for Christmas. With any of these kits you have everything you need to make some beautiful embroidery projects. The boxed kits include an embroidery hoop, two designs on fabric, embroidery floss for the designs, needles and snippers. The kit also includes a QR code which will take you to the video instructions. In the bag there are six different ornaments – each with a different pattern, as well as embroidery floss, needles and snippers. The ornaments have a small piece to cover the back once you are done, making your product look perfect!
Creativity helps
Anyone who has been to Hands Gallery more than once knows that we really believe in creativity. Creativity is great for you in a lot of different ways, but especially it can help you re-establish your inner balance. That’s exactly what Sergio from UnaCosita was thinking about when he designed these kits. During lockdown he was considering the way he and other people were feeling and realized that it would be good to create a product that helps people. He wanted to make something to help combat depression and anxiety, particularly during these tumultuous times. When you’re embroidering your hands are busy and so is your mind. ‚It’s like meditating,‘ he says. And you also have a beautiful product when you’re done.

Follow UnaCosita on Instagram @unacositashop.
The perfect present
These embroidery kits make the perfect present – either as something to do for the recipient or as a finished product. So buy yours now and get started. Then you’ll be finished in time to give someone you love a personal and handmade present for Chrismtas.